Nancy Farrell

Honored and Humbled

Last month I was surprised to unexpectedly receive the 2023 Distinguished Alumnus Award from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science College of Health Professions. The first time a Registered Dietitian has received this award! The award recognizes work, leadership and efforts in healthcare. Nutrition is a science. Thank you RFUMS!

2022 Virginia Outstanding Dietitian Award

I am so honored and humbled to receive this award from the Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics! I have spent my career volunteering, working and advocating for improved food and nutrition public health, and have worked in a variety of capacities over the many years. Today I see patients in my private practice and teach graduate level allied health professionals; I have walked state and federal Capitol halls discussing nutrition public policy initiatives with legislators, served on committees for two Virginia Governors, and represented fellow RDNs as a state and national media spokesperson. It’s so important to love what you do; and to make a difference for others in the world! Eat Smart!